Welcome to ESA Market Research Limited’s On Line Research System

Please read this page in full and then click on the links at the bottom to proceed

Are you interested in joining our panel of Researchers? Want to earn a little extra cash? Want some interesting and varied assignments? To join us you will need to complete an on line application form (link below). Once your application has been approved you will be invited to register by completing a short questionnaire about yourself. Please note you will also need to provide us with details for payments.

All information about you is held securely and in compliance with the Data Protection Act.

Firstly let’s explain a little more about the type of research we conduct – this can be split into two main areas:

  • Mystery Shopping
  • In-store Observation
  • What is Mystery Shopping? It is used to evaluate customer service and to help companies improve the service provided to customers.  Our Researchers act as eyes and ears for our many clients. Assignments can be visits to stores, telephone calls or emails to a wide variety of companies.  Each assignment varies, but typically you will be required to pose as a customer or prospective purchaser of a specified product of service.  You will be asked to make some observations about the store environment and the quality of the service you receive.  You may be asked to wait for a follow-up telephone call or to receive literature sent in the post or via e-mail.

    What would I have to do? You will be asked to visit shops, retail outlets and other service environments posing as a real customer, and experience the service offered by the staff.  You will then be required to complete a questionnaire that we provide on-line, to report on the service experience.

    What is In-Store Observation?It is used to measure and assess how a brand or retail offer compares to the competition, with observation studies that provide clear and concise information on:

    • Availability: Are the products on the shelf at the key times?
    • Compliance:Are the point-of-sale materials in place? Are promotions executed? Is shelf space as agreed?
    • Promotion: What promotions are in-store or online? Where is it in-store? What is adjacent to a specific product?
    • Range: What gaps are there in the current range? What ranges do a product’s competitors have?

    What would I have to do? You will be asked to visit shops, retail outlets and other service environments and measure the required information e.g. product availability.You will then be required to complete a questionnaire on-line with the data you have found.

    What are the requirements of a Researcher?

    • To join ESA’s panel you must be at least 18 years of age.
    • You must be prepared to accept assignments in accordance with the Conditions specified below.
    • You must be eligible to work in the UK under the Asylum and Immigration Act 2004.
    • You must possess a good command of the English language (both written and spoken).
    • You must have access to a computer with a connection to the internet and a printer.
    • Your computer must be able to read Microsoft Office information (e.g. Excel, Word)
    • You must have an Irish bank account that accepts electronic payments (BACS) if you register to work in the Republic of Ireland.
    • You must have a personal e-mail account
    • You must have access to transport to be able to travel to specified locations.
    • You must have access to a digital camera, camera phone or image scanner to be able to send images of documentation e.g. purchase receipts.
    • You must have a UK bank account that accepts electronic payments (BACS) if you register to work in the UK
    • You must have an Irish bank account that accepts electronic payments (BACS) if you register to work in the Republic of Ireland

    Interested?  Please look through the Conditions and then click the link below to apply to become a Researcher and to complete the on-line Application Form.  Once you have successfully completed our full registration process and been accepted as an ESA Researcher we will contact you by e-mail to help you learn how to use the system.  Please also take the time to click on the Frequently Asked Questions link where you will find some additional hints and tips that will assist you in becoming a really effective Researcher for ESA. 

Click here to view our Agreement for Independent Field Researchers to conduct Research Assignments

Click here to view Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Click here to Join Us

Click here to view our web site: www.esa.co.uk